About Me

South Wales, United Kingdom
Im forty something! Married, mum to two wonderful daughters, both very different, both very special. Im originally from Edinburgh but have spent almost 2/3rds of my life in South Wales now and so am probably as much Welsh (if not more) than Scottish. Until the age of 16 (when I left Edinburgh) I spent a lot of time with Great uncles and aunts in East and West Lothian,but also with family and friends in the centre of the city. So had an equal country and city upbringing. I would spend hours walking in the Pentland hills (with family, friends, alone), hours in the countryside, hours in the dress shops in town with my friends, trying on endless outfits I couldnt afford, hours dreaming that I would marry Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky!!) and definitely hours planning that once I had made it as an actress (which is why Paul would fall madly in love with me) I would learn to fly a plane, hopefully it would help with my developing fear of heights, star in a west end show, have a hit single and buy a ranch somewhere that Paul and I could hear the wolves howling in the distance. Then I had dreams! Read the rest of my story starting at Broken Dreams

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Get on Free

There hasnt been many posts lately, not because I havent been doing anything but because ive simply not been in the right frame of mind to post but Ive been prodded to add this. 

About a month ago I finally, FINALLY, managed to achieve another long, long held ambition.

Thanks to a scheme called Get on Free I’ve actually now had a go on a bike - not a moped (well, if I’m honest I had a go on one of those first) but a motorbike (automatic I admit - but hey you have to start somewhere). I have to say a huge thank you to Richard for his patience (especially when I couldn’t get the damn thing of the stand - such a weakling).  He told me that if he saw the whites of my eyes then he'd know I was too scared. In fact the only thing I had been scared about was that it would get cancelled as the weather just a short while earlier had been horrendous with heavy rain, dark skies and a bit more of a breeze getting up. As I got more confident and I was riding around the 'course' Richard just left me too it (keeping a watchful eye of course) but out of the corner of my eye I could see him talking to my husband and shaking his head.  I have to admit that my heart sank a little, obviously he thought that I wasn’t doing that well.  At the end of the session he called me over and we talked about the geared bike.  I really wasn’t ready to have a go on that (yet).  I was still feeling a bit like I hadn’t done that well when he said that I’d done really well and explaining what I could do next.  Once I got over the shock and we were leaving, I asked Peter what he had said when he was shaking his head.  He started laughing and said 'He said 'Well - no whites of the eyes and she's smiling! Sorry mate! she's going to cost you a lot of money!''

Well no, not at the moment, for now im glad to just have had a go, I'm not ruling out having one but for the minute lets just say that there's one more thing ticked off my list.

Get On Free


  1. You're braver than me lass! My ex-husband once bought me a tiny little moped, and even that was too much for me - I let the clutch out too quickly and it reared up and dragged me (bare arms) across the gravel. Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuch!

    WELL DONE anyway - and I hope you don't end up costing your husband a lot of money in motorbike form!

  2. Oh ouch!!!! BB that sounds really painful. No no cost - well not yet at least ;-)
