About Me

South Wales, United Kingdom
Im forty something! Married, mum to two wonderful daughters, both very different, both very special. Im originally from Edinburgh but have spent almost 2/3rds of my life in South Wales now and so am probably as much Welsh (if not more) than Scottish. Until the age of 16 (when I left Edinburgh) I spent a lot of time with Great uncles and aunts in East and West Lothian,but also with family and friends in the centre of the city. So had an equal country and city upbringing. I would spend hours walking in the Pentland hills (with family, friends, alone), hours in the countryside, hours in the dress shops in town with my friends, trying on endless outfits I couldnt afford, hours dreaming that I would marry Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky!!) and definitely hours planning that once I had made it as an actress (which is why Paul would fall madly in love with me) I would learn to fly a plane, hopefully it would help with my developing fear of heights, star in a west end show, have a hit single and buy a ranch somewhere that Paul and I could hear the wolves howling in the distance. Then I had dreams! Read the rest of my story starting at Broken Dreams

Thursday, 16 June 2011


I went on a trip today, for work, a jolly if you like.  I didnt want to go, cant really afford the time out, but my word what a great day and Im so glad I went.

I went to the Met Office in Exeter! It was in connection with some work we are doing at our site but what an amazing place.   The work that the guys down there do is incredible! The technology is second to none.  You see the weather forecast and think thats all they do but that only just scratches the surface! Wow, wow, wow. 

So next time I watch the Countryfile forecast, or the Channel 4 forecast, or any weather forecast in fact, it will be with new respect.

On the wall, in the meeting room we went into, in silver lettering, was this quote:

Summer is delicious, rain is refreshing,
wind braces up, snow is exhilarating;
there is no such thing as bad weather,
only different kinds of good weather.

John Ruskin

Of course lots of us have already read this quote, but it reminded me how I feel about the weather, in fact about the seasons, that there is always, always something good and positive to see, that unless it is making your situation dangerous or taking the roof off your house (etc) that our weather is fabulous and should be appreciated.  That our seasons may appear to be all over the place but if you pause for a moment and look closely, our year is really always following its expected path.

So appreciate our weather, our seasons, our climate - and stop moaning about it.  Just get out, safely, and enjoy it!


  1. I bet that was a really interesting day out and I shall try not to moan about the rain/wind/cold/high temps ever again. . . . or at least until tomorrow!!

  2. LOL well its been so diverse today I think a little moaning is okay ;-)
